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American Airlines jet crashes in New York

Тема в разделе "Политика", создана пользователем Vadim, 12.11.01.

  1. Vadim

    Vadim Участник

    Ne uspeli mi uspokoit'sya posle bliznecov kak ...


    NEW YORK (CNN) -- An American Airlines jet with 255 people on board crashed Monday on takeoff from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.

    The plane went down at 9:17 a.m. EST in the Rockways section of the New York City borough of Queens, about five miles from Kennedy Airport.

    CNN confirmed the plane was American Airlines Flight 587 from New York to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The plane was a Boeing Airbus A300. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said the plane was carrying 246 passengers and nine crew members.

    Asked if terrorism was suspected, Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Bill Schumann said, "All options are open at this time. We have very limited information."

    The Pentagon said surveillance fights were going on in the area and nothing unusual had been spotted.

    At least four houses were on fire, and a huge plume of smoke could be seen rising from the site. The New York Fire Department dispatched 44 firetrucks and 200 firefighters to the scene.

    All three New York City-area airports -- Kennedy, LaGuardia and Newark -- closed after the crash, along with all the city's bridges and tunnels. Mayor Rudy Giuliani declared a Level One emergency, mobilizing all available police, fire and emergency personnel.
  2. Sergey

    Sergey Активный участник

    Не факт, что опять терористы, но очень вероятно. И, кстати, это очень сильный удар по American Airlines.
  3. Vadim

    Vadim Участник

    Da poka nichego eshe ne yasno ...
  4. Rena

    Rena Почётная

    Я точно знаю, чего не буду делать : летать я не буду никуда! Никаких гарантий...
  5. Vadim

    Vadim Участник

    Na samom dele po statistike Sameleti vse eshe samiy bezopasniy vid transporta ... Mashini gorazdo opasnee