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Ледниковый период 3

Тема в разделе "Кино", создана пользователем Вадим, 20.08.06.

  1. Вадим

    Вадим Участник

    Появился трейлер со всеми любимой и обожаемой белкой, что абсолютно точно наводит на мысль, что быть третьей части. Трейлер веселый, как всегда. У белки в лапах теперь не только желудь, но и машина времени!
    Третья часть должна быть просто чумовой, ведь наверняка в ней зажгут опоссумы, которые так порадовали во второй части. :)
  2. telemaster

    telemaster Активный участник

    ДАЙ УРЛ или слей в сеть.
  3. Demon

    Demon Демовой

    В кино сходи))
  4. telemaster

    telemaster Активный участник

    на каком фильме и в каком кинотеатре крутят ролик?
  5. Вадим

    Вадим Участник

    Гарфилд 2, в сети тоже должен быть, я так думаю.
  6. telemaster

    telemaster Активный участник

    мля. не найду пока ничего. внутри все жжот от новасти.

    добавлено через 15 минут
    все что нашел пока - это http://www.playfuls.com/news_001907_Ice_Age_3_Frozen_Mammoths_Brought_to_Life.html

    Ice Age 3: Frozen Mammoths Brought to Life
    I’m sure you are familiar with the famous wooly mammoth Manny and Diego, the fiery tiger with a generous heart and a terrible fear of water and, of course, the big-eyed Sid. Well, you might at least see a Manny-like mammoth soon.

    Corpses of extinct Ice Age mammals, such as woolly mammoths, that have been frozen in permafrost for more than 20,000 years may contain viable sperm that could be used to bring them back from the dead, scientists said yesterday.

    Research has indicated that mammalian sperm can survive being frozen for much longer than was previously thought, suggesting that it could potentially be recovered from species that have died out.

    So far Japanese scientists have succeeded with mice- some frozen as long as 15 years- and lead researcher Dr. Atsuo Ogura says he would like to try experiments in larger animals.

    ''In this study, the rates of success with sperm from 15-year frozen bodies were much higher than we expected. So the likelihood of mammoths' revival would be higher than we expected before,'' Ogura said.

    Atsuo Ogura of the RIKEN Bioresource Center in Tsukuba, Japan, and colleagues kept the dead male mice in temperatures below -20°C before thawing them in water at room temperature. Though the defrosted sperm are not really alive, “they maintain their genetic integrity”, Ogura says, meaning their DNA can be injected into the egg.

    Using sperm from whole mice and testes that had been frozen for between one week and 15 years, they were able to fertilize eggs and obtain healthy offspring.

    "If spermatozoa of extinct mammalian species can be retrieved from animal bodies that were kept frozen for millions of years in permafrost, live animals might be restored by injecting them into (eggs) from females of closely related species," the researchers wrote.
    To preserve sperm, researchers usually extract sperm from testis, put it in a preservative solution and freeze it at minus 196 degrees Celsius using liquid nitrogen.

    Ogura said the team's experiment has shown that mice and their sperm can be safely preserved simply by placing them in a freezer.

    Dr. Robert W. McGaughey of the Institute for Reproductive Studies in Scottsdale, Ariz., said that since some of the whole frozen mice had been held for 15 years before obtaining the sperm nuclei ''it clearly is possible that some day we may be able to obtain offspring from extinct animals frozen at reasonable temperatures for very long periods of time.''

    "Obviously, those frozen [sperm] were all dead in the conventional sense," wrote the researchers in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "Motionless sperm had no chance whatsoever of fertilising in vivo or in vitro. Nevertheless, some of these, if not all, were ... genomically intact, because they were able to produce apparently normal offspring."

    Looking at the future implications of his work, Mr. Ogura said the breakthrough gave new hopes that extinct species might walk on Earth again.

    "Restoration of extinct species could be possible if male individuals are found in permafrost" he said, through injecting the sperm into eggs from females of closely related species.

    выйдет в 2008 году.
  7. 1777

    1777 Активный участник

    дадададада на гарфилде2 показывали ролик новый про период тупиковый, абязательно пайдууу :)
  8. Вадим

    Вадим Участник

    2008 год... :bawling:
  9. Кувшинка

    Кувшинка Активный участник

    кошмар скока ждать
  10. telemaster

    telemaster Активный участник

    нимагу никак найти в сети трейлер :(
  11. Maxsimus

    Maxsimus Активный участник

    Хе-хе. В этой научной статье говорится совсем не о мультике. Речь идет о том что у мамонтов которые находятся во льдах могут находится ещё живые сперматозоиды, с помощью которых можно попробывать возродить этот вид. И далле про то что что сейчас проводяться опыты на мышах, сперма которых была заморожена на 15 лет и т.д.
    По сабжу: На IMDB не какой информации о съемках третьей части вообще нет. Так же попытался искать в англоязычных поисковиках. Тоже не каких результат. Вывод: Либо мульт будет называться по другому, либо одно из двух.