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Тема в разделе "Научные вопросы", создана пользователем chernoff, 07.07.05.

  1. chernoff

    chernoff Новичок

    Добрый день,

    научный центр по информатике L3S при университете Ганновера объявляет
    о стипендии для студента 5-х, 6-х курсов на полгода. Ниже приведены
    подробности, обязательным условием является свободное владение
    английским языком. Если вам будет интересно, присылайте вопросы по
    адресу [email protected].

    С уважением,
    Чернов Сергей


    L3S Scholarship Annoucement

    Students in the last year of their studies (or beyond) and who are
    interested in working at L3S Research Center (www.l3s.de) and/or want
    to start their Ph.D. studies at the University of Hannover (Germany)
    should apply for a scholarship.

    You will work on Information Retrieval and Ranking research projects
    (http://l3s.de/english/projects/projects_overview.html). These
    projects focus on three specific target areas: The World Wide Web,
    Peer2Peer Networks, and more recently, Personal Computers. Our main
    goal on the Web is to propose new solutions for personalizing
    search. We usually achieve this by means of an improved ranking
    algorithm built on top of a regular search algorithm. We are also
    interested in introducing personalization into the field, both for the
    search itself and for other applications, such as trust and reputation
    algorithms. Finally, we deal with continuous querying environments,
    also known as publish/subscribe systems. Recent research is about
    introducing context-based semantics into the desktop search
    algorithms, but we also investigate other subjects, such as semantic
    social networks built on top of the PC desktop etc.

    Candidates have to speak and write English fluently. The German
    language would be of real help, but it is not taken into account for
    the selection of the candidates.

    The salary will be 830Euro/month for the first 6 months, which will be
    the probation period. The first contract will start October 1st 2005
    and will be for 6 months. For more information please contact L3S
    ([email protected]).

    You will work under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl
    ([email protected]). He is professor of computer science at the University
    of Hannover since 1995, and worked as professor or visiting researcher
    at Vienna, Aachen, Stanford, Urbana-Champaign and
    Lausanne. Prof. Nejdl is the executive director of the L3S Research
    Center, one of the most renowned research institutes in Germany for
    eLearning and Semantic Web.

    The deadline for applying is July 31st, 2005. Please send your
    application with c.v. and relevant documents to
    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nejdl, L3S Research Center
    Deutscher Pavillon, Expo Plaza 1
    30539 Hannover, Germany
    [email protected]