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Тема в разделе "Разное", создана пользователем Chuviha, 19.09.02.

  1. 70s Man, you are right, I ' ve remembered about nuts.
    But is it the same with peanuts?

    I read the Cosmo, the last edition.
    Some articles really look like for kids. :)
  2. yelena

    yelena Новичок

    Re: my stupid memory

    "That's peanuts'' means "that is of small importance"
  3. Vadim

    Vadim Участник

    Nuts .. PesNumts :))

    Nuts ... peanuts ... Who cares :)
    Come on guys ! Where's the beauty of English ? Where's the interesting converstions ?
    We started to sound like an old people ....
    BY the way I have a friend who just started to learn English .. So his favorite phrase is "Near the Bird" :)))))))) I didn't really get it from the first time. why he likes it so much ... but then ... well I was laughing for an hour :))
  4. Шурик

    Шурик Участник

    Who gave you this dumb topic ? If you are going to "Ped"........ I might even know who that is......................just write out on 5 pages "feminists bitches:devil: go to hell" :D
  5. Pashok

    Pashok Активный участник

    Рыбка Дельфинка...

    I'll help u out here. It's better to say not Some articles really look like for kids. :) , but some articles sounded really childish:)

    Red Girl, there are a lot of crap like that in intrnet, just copy and paste 5 pages, I bet, your teacher won't even notice

  6. Vaulter

    Vaulter Активный участник

    people, so, how it will be in russian
  7. hron

    hron Гость

    to Vaulter[BFS]

    горбатый, i think...
  8. we are so glad that they speak English here..
    we'd better register as soon as possible..

    hm, Kirpunder, it's a nice name, we never doubted you had some taste ;)